Who’s the Right Warlord for Your Personality?
My new SciFi novel Utopia Five (buy Amazon UK, US) is set in 2053. It’s about a post-cataclysm society. It doesn’t have a Warlord yet, but it has a few contenders.
If you were going to sign up with a totalitarian leader, who would you choose? It’s important to find a warlord who’s going to work for you in the long term because there may be a degree of lock-in.
Take our quiz and find out! It might change your life!
Q.A. You get a new job with a uniform. What are you thinking?
- I hope it’s matching leather! A different outfit for each level in the hierarchy?
- I will battle to the death to wear whatever I choose!
- I can live with a uniform for the group, as long as I can do what I like with my hair.
- I wonder if they’re fairtrade cotton?
Q.B. What would your dream boss look like?
- Like they sold their soul to a dry cleaner.
- Like someone you’d be terrified to share a taxi with.
- Like they’d organise a damn good stag party.
- Like if it all goes wrong in the warlord biz they can probably still land a job as a head teacher.
Q.C. What’s in your dream tearoom?
- There is no tearoom. What are we, a bunch of slackers?
- Free food!
- A beer tap.
- An honesty box.
Q.D. What’s your preferred holiday policy?
- Holiday?
- Let’s negotiate that on an individual basis.
- Unlimited!
- A very generous parental leave policy for both genders plus flexible home working.
Mostly 1’s — Emperor Palpatine (You are Lawful Evil)
You like top-down order and winning — an empire that’s a tight ship. All the interstellar freighters need to run on time and everyone should be consistently turned out— it called a uniform for a reason.
Alternatives: Tywin Lannister, The Night King, Supreme Leader Servalan
Mostly 2’s — Ming the Merciless (Flash Gordon) (You are Chaotic Evil)
You love an evil society where you are still free to be yourself. Your own fleet of Hawkmen? Strange coming-of-age practices? Wacky dress choices? Time off for your own projects? No problem! Provided you remember where your ultimate loyalites lie — the vision.
Alternatives: Sauron, Magneto, Mance Rayder, New Cercei
Mostly 3’s — Tina Turner (Mad Max 3) (You are Chaotic Good)
You hanker for a lifestyle where your warlord cares personally about you and the team but you still get the chance to let down your hair with a little cage fighting to the death. A clan-based authoritarian society with a relaxed dress code is your ideal.
Alternatives: Paul Atreides, Don Corleone, Euron Greyjoy, Most startups.
Mostly 4’s — Daenerys Targaryen (You are Lawful Good)
You don’t mind getting your hands dirty or even sacrificing yourself — if it’s for the greater good in the long term. You mean well and you believe your warlord does. As we all know: ends justify means.
Alternatives: Princess Leia, Professor X
My new SciFi novel Utopia Five is set in 2053. It’s a time and world-bending action adventure! It doesn’t have Rutger Hauer in it because it’s a book. So, don’t get your hopes up.